Step up, sip, and savor!

Vivek Arora

Hey there, welcome to wlkr, where every step is a stride towards wellness and supporting our beloved community spots.

I’m Vivek and like many of you, I discovered the incredible benefits of walking during the pandemic. What started as a way to escape the confines of my home quickly became a passion project that transformed my life.

Walking became my daily dose of therapy – a moment to clear my mind, breathe in the fresh air, and reconnect with myself. But it wasn't just my mental health that benefited; it also had a profound impact on my physical well-being.

But my love for walking goes beyond the physical and mental benefits. It's about exploring the world around me, discovering hidden gems, and supporting the heartbeat of our community – local businesses. There's something magical about stepping into a cozy coffee shop, sampling exotic flavors at an ethnic restaurant, or sipping on a cold brew at a neighborhood brewery. These places aren't just places to eat and drink; they're hubs of creativity, community, and culture.

That's why I am creating wlkr – to bring together my passion for walking and supporting local businesses in one seamless experience. I believe that by incentivizing users to walk more and rewarding them with free drinks, we can make a positive impact on both individuals' lives and the businesses that make our neighborhoods thrive.

I invite you to join me on this journey with wlkr. Together, let's walk towards wellness and spread a little love to our local haunts along the way.

How wlkr works?

See you on the streets and in the shops!