5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Daily Step Count

Sedentary lifestyles are becoming common due to technology advancements and increasing desk jobs. That makes keeping an active lifestyle more essential now than ever, and one easy way to include physical activity in your day-to-day living is to step it up.

Walking is a less vigorous with many health benefits, from boosting the health of your heart and controlling your body weight to even enhancing your mood. So, if you are up for adding up that daily step count, here are the easier ways:

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of using the elevator or escalator can add to the total number of steps you make daily. At the place of work, in the shopping center, or at home, the stairway provides a convenient opportunity to add more steps in the course of the day. If you force yourself to use the stairs whenever you have a chance, and sooner or later, you will start noticing a difference in the step count and accordingly in the fitness level you achieve.

Incorporate Walking Meetings

Where sitting isn't a must, make it a walking meeting. Walking meetings are not only active but also free for creative thinking and productivity.

Whether it is during a brainstorming session with your team or a one-on-one talk with your boss, taking a walk outdoors may actually help get the innovative ideas for possible solutions to problems. Besides, it may break the day from droning on with sitting in that conference room the whole day.

Set Step Goals

This is where having specific step goals can help motivate you to try to get a higher activity level every day. You can determine your current step count by using a fitness tracker or one of the many apps available on your smartphone. Once you have that benchmark, gradually increase your daily goal by small increments until you reach your desired target. Be it 10,000 steps a day or other personal goals you may have in mind, at least have something in mind for increasing the time of your daily walking that can make walking so much fun and more rewarding.

Park Farther Away

This is what you can say when you just park your car a little farther than what is usual towards your destination, or when every running of errands or going to work, this simple trick makes you walk some more, adding to your daily total in the process. Apparently minute, over the long run, these seemingly little steps could add up and pay off easily. It is usually even far easier with parking because one can find it and far more easily close without the stress of crowded lots farther away.

Take Walking Breaks

Instead of sitting at your desk all lunchtime, use this time to go for a brisk walk outside. Walking does not only help in the process of digestion but also contributes to an increase in energy levels and a much-needed mental break from the stress at work. It's important to realize that the placement of short walking breaks within most intermissions of your daily engagements will prevent you from feeling fully tired or getting burnout in all aspects of your all-round well-being. In conclusion, increasing your daily step count doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Something as simple as daily routines with walking meetings at work, step goals that include all hours in a day, parking far away from your destination, and taking walking breaks—all add up to be easily gainable activity with all the accompanying benefits. Whether you are looking for physical health, bettering your mood, or simply to enjoy nature, walking is very convenient physical activity, which you can practice. So lace up your sneakers, step outside, and start moving towards a healthier, more active you!